We are pleased to announce the fith edition of the International Symposium on Radio Systems and Space Plasma - ISRSSP'18, organizaed by IICREST and co-organized by ARSIT, under the auspices of URSI, with 4 previous editions in Bulgaria (Sofia 2007, Sofia 2010, Sofia 2013, and Ruse 2014). The Spiritual Father of ISRSSP used to be
Blagovest Shishkov ( In Memory of Blagovest); we are happy and honored to develop the symposium further.
Providing a specialized forum to researchers and practitioners interested in radio systems and space plasma, ISRSSP welcomes not only foundational contributions but also more application-oriented ones. Hence, the symposium areas are organized in two tracks, namely: (i) Foundations Track; (ii) Applications Track. Particular areas of interest within each of the mentioned tracks, are:
FOUNDATIONS TRACK: (i) Radio Communication Systems and Signal Processing; (ii) Satellite Space Observations; (iii) Trans-Ionospheric Propagation; (iv) Space Plasma, waves, and Particles; (v) Solar Power Satellite (SPS) Systems. APPLICATIONS TRACK: (vi) Radio Communication and Space Applications; (vii) SPS and Power Transmission.
The international Program Committee of ISRSSP 2018 is soliciting contributions of technical papers that relate to the mentioned areas (elaborated in the Call for Papers). We turn to you, addressing you with a sincere invitation to attend ISRSSP 2018, visiting the beautiful city of Barcelona.
Andon Lazarov, Program Chair
Boris Shishkov, General Chair